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Signs For The Need Of A Life Reset

Last year, I wrote a post about resetting my life. It was a big reset, from quitting my job to moving house, but I also did a few other little things for a reset. At that moment, I didn't notice the reasons for the reset, other than feeling burnt out. As months go by, I started to realise the signs that led up to the need for the reset.

Haven't work on goals in awhile

My goals and passion are not part of my job. I did grew an interest towards my job but it was only for a brief period, and soon I stopped trying to improve as all I was thinking of were my other goals.

Feel stuck and unmotivated

Since my goals were neglected, there was a point when I felt stuck, especially after the motivation to improve myself on my job waned. Although I was thinking of my other goals, I was still unmotivated as I did not have the energy and time for them.

Neglect daily habits

Not only were my goals neglected, so were my habits. I think I have a weak physique, because I would return home from work and head straight to the couch for a nap. After I had gotten some energy for shower and dinner, I would just be in bed for the rest of the evening, with no energy for any other me time or self care. Even now with only two days of work on a new job, I still feel tired most of the time, both on work and no work days.

Constantly day dreaming about the dream life

A month before quitting the job and starting the life reset, I was filled with thoughts about my dream life. A part of that dream life is content creation ideas for this blog and instagram. Although I was at work, my mind and heart weren't there. I tried to balance both, but it clearly became too much for me.

Health is affected

Both my mental and physical health were affected. Not only do I have a weak physique, I also recently found out I might have low self esteem. Along with my anxiety and introversion, my energy drains very quickly.

So these are some signs for the need of a life reset. It has been a year since I embarked on resetting my life. A slower paced and intentional lifestyle is definitely the way for me. Sometimes I have thoughts about getting another job with more work days, but my anxiety says otherwise. Over this one year, I have also tried diversifying into other sources of income, to make my goals, dream life, slower paced and intentional lifestyle sustainable for me.

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