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Resetting My Life

It has been 2 years since my last post but I'm back with a total reset to my life. At the end of 2018, I wrote a journal entry about realising my passions. I've never imagined myself doing a full job, but that was what I've been doing for the past year. Hence, neglecting the blog.

It started out as a part time job, to have a source of income while I worked on building up this blog, which is one my passions. When it became a full time job. I thought I could manage it with all my other passions but I was wrong.

Putting my passions aside, the first few months of working full time went by very well but after that, it became an emotional rollercoaster. Despite having affected my mental and physical health, I endured. Although I was physically at work, my mind and heart weren't there. I was filled with thoughts of not only my passions, but anything outside of that job.

When I finally decided to part ways, I think I was already burnt out because to begin with, I feel the job wasn't even suitable for me. It was fine working part time since I will have enough downtime to calm my nerves but with full time, the pressure keeps building up.

After my resignation, I decided to completely reset my life and here's what I did.

Find new purpose

I definitely felt lost at first since I had a sudden whirlpool of time. To keep myself occupied, I needed new purposes. Well, my purposes are not exactly new, since it's what I've envisioned years ago but I got back to them and do what I truly want to do.

Move to a new environment

My mom and I had been considering moving house to downsize but all the while, I didn't want to move. Now that I want to completely reset my life and change my environment, I finally agreed to move.

Change my style

Since I'm moving, it's the perfect time to go through my wardrobe. I thought of a signature style for myself and I've actually not worn most of the clothes that fits the style in a long time. So although my clothes aren't new, it's still a change in style.

Cut down social contact

It may seem like I'm a bad person for cutting down on social contact, but I've actually never enjoyed or felt comfortable socialising. I have always struggled to overcome but failed, which is why I think the job was not suitable for me because it requires lots of talking with people.

Cultivate good habits

With the whirlpool of time, I could both get back to neglected habits and cultivate new ones. Since the job was draining and I'm exhausted everyday after work, I completely neglected all my habits and self care.

So that's what I did to completely reset my life. Although some days I still have an emotional struggle, I'm in a much happier and positive state of mind now, which will be my priority going forward.

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