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My Most Used Tech

I’m almost 24/7 using some form of technology. Most of what I do everyday are using phones or laptops which inspired this post of my most used tech.

So what tech do I frequently use?

Apple iPhone Xs

I use 3 phones on a daily basis with the iPhone Xs being my main phone since it's my newest phone.

As my main phone, I use it for basically everything I would use a phone for, from contacting to social media, blogging, gaming, listening to music, watching videos and even reading.

This phone is my main camera as well which I take most of my photos.

Apple iPhone 7

I was using the iPhone 7 previously, before I got the iPhone Xs. Now this phone is mainly for gaming but I'll use it to watch videos and go on social media when my main phone is charging.

This phone is also my secondary camera. If I’m featuring the iPhone Xs, I’ll use this phone to take the photo.

Samsung Galaxy S4

This is one of my past phones but for sentimental reasons, I kept it, which I now use for music and videos.

I do listen to music on my main phone but I use this phone more for it and I have more songs here. Sometimes I'll use this phone to watch videos instead of the iPhone 7.

Apple Watch Series 3

I do have an Apple Watch linked to my main phone. I got it for the purpose of not missing calls because I have a problem of hearing ringtones when my phone is in my bag.

Other than calls, I use it to track my steps and exercise. I’m into the activity app and I enjoy closing the rings.

Fujitsu Lifebook S Series

This is my most used laptop which I’ve had for many years, since I was schooling. Now that I'm out of school, I use it for all my blogging work.

Acer Predator 17


This is the other laptop that I own and I use it only for it’s purpose of gaming. All of the computer games that I play are on this gaming laptop.

Aukey Earbuds

With music and games, I’ll need to have earbuds which is the last tech I use frequently.

I usually listen to music when I’m on the way to somewhere and sometimes I do play games when I’m out. Certain games do require the earbuds since it's more enjoyable with sound.

So those are all the tech that I use everyday or on almost a daily basis. I do use more tech that these but the others, such as power bank and hard drive, are not frequently used.

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